Car Parking Terms and Conditions

The Licensor, Ellesmere Manchester Operations Limited of 27 Ellesmere Street, Manchester, M15 4RZ, grants to the licensee, (name) of (apartment number) The Trilogy, a Licence for the exclusive use of the vehicle parking space known as, space (space number) (the “Licensed Space”), for a term certain of (number of months) months, from (tenancy start date) to (tenancy end date) at a Licence fee of £160 per calendar month to be paid monthly in advance in cleared funds on the (rent due date) of each month without any deduction or set-off and whether demanded or not subject to the following terms and conditions.

  1. This Licence for the use of the vehicle parking space is granted for the sole use of the Licensee and must not be transferred, sub-let or assigned to any other party.

  2. The cost of the License is £160 per calendar month.

  3. The Licensee will only be granted a License to use a parking space if they are a resident at The Trilogy and the License will only be granted until the end date of any such Tenancy Agreement held by the Licensee. Should the Licensee terminate their Tenancy Agreement at The Trilogy, it is agreed and understood that this License will automatically terminate at the sooner determination of the Tenancy Agreement.

  4. This Licence is granted for the parking of the personal vehicle of the Licensor and the Licensed Space must not be used for the parking of any commercial vehicles or any trailer, caravan, mobile home, boat or any other vehicles not owned by or in the sole use of the Licensor nor for the parking or storage of anything other than a motor vehicle.

  5. Any vehicle parked in the Licensed Space must be insured to the standard required by the Road Traffic Act 1988, be in a roadworthy condition, and must comply with all current or future vehicle licensing and registration requirements such that it can be driven on the public highways.

  6. The space is provided solely for the parking of motor vehicles and must not be used to carry out maintenance or work on any vehicle or any other item.

  7. Vehicles must not be left in the space for consecutive periods exceeding 30 days.

  8. The vehicle is to be removed at the end of the Licence period or on any sooner determination of the Licence. Should the Licensee fail to remove the vehicle within 7 days of the end or sooner determination of the Licence then the Licensor may remove and store the vehicle at the Licensees own risk and expense and may dispose of the vehicle within 1 calendar month if the Licensee has made no effort to arrange to collect the vehicle.

  9. If any fluids or substances leak from the vehicle the licensor shall be responsible for cleaning or making good any staining caused.

  10. Any vehicle parked in the Licensed Space is parked at the Licensee’s sole risk and the Licensor shall have no liability for any loss or damage to the property of the Licensee unless such damage shall be caused by the negligence of the Licensor.

  11. If the Licensee breaches any term of the Licence, fails to pay the Licence Fee within 14 days of it being due, is declared bankrupt, or (if a company) enters into administration or liquidation, or enters into any arrangement with his creditors the Licence will be determined forthwith and the Licensee will be required to remove his vehicle from the Licensed Space immediately.

  12. The Licensor may terminate this Licence at any time by giving not less than 4 weeks’ Notice.

  13. Any notices to be served by either party on the other shall be deemed sufficiently served if sent by ordinary first class-post, or delivered by hand to the address given for that party in this Licence agreement and shall be deemed served within 2 working days of posting or delivery.

  14. In this Licence, references to the male include the female and references to the singular include the plural and vice versa.

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